Smoke Beer Goes To Europe

Nello 19:06 03/Aug/14

Another week-end of skateboarding just gone. It's time to pack up our bags for the Euro mission.
Kritty leaves tomorrow morning at 2:30, destination UK. I'm off next friday, destination Italy and Scott Standley leaves next monday week for Belgium. We are going to catch up in Brussels on the 12th of August and start our trip from there. I can't wait to be over-there!

Smoke Beer Goes To Europe

tram_skitcher 19:41 03/Aug/14

Have fun Nello!

Cameron M
Cameron M 20:59 03/Aug/14

Hell yeah Nello!

shift 21:32 03/Aug/14

Going to be a good trip for sure nello, I'm keen on the next one I reckon! All the best. Timmy

Nello 13:17 04/Aug/14

Thanks boys! Yeah Timmy get on board to the next one!

fruitbat4 16:13 05/Aug/14

Boring shot but finally made it to the hostel to have a beer. So much sleep deprivation. It's pretty funny being on a solo mission. Getting to where I want to be though. So things are going good. Hopefully can do the same tomorrow with some skate spots #smokebeergoestoeurope

Boring shot but finally made i

fruitbat4 16:13 05/Aug/14

Dubai's gnarly. Just 7 more hours of flying then I'll be in London. It's been a long day. So cooked. #smokebeergoestoeurope

Dubai's gnarly. Just 7 more ho

fruitbat4 16:13 05/Aug/14

Volcanoes on my way to Dubai for my change over Flight to London. Keen as for this trip. #smokebeergoestoeurope

Volcanoes on my way to Dubai f

fruitbat4 01:20 06/Aug/14

Tourist. #smokebeergoestoeurope

Tourist. #smokebeergoestoeurop

fruitbat4 01:35 06/Aug/14

Got to skate South bank today. Pretty fun spot. Hope they don't tear it apart #longlivesouthbank #smokebeergoestoeurope

Got to skate South bank today.

fruitbat4 01:45 06/Aug/14

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fruitbat4 11:30 06/Aug/14

Big Ben #smokebeergoestoeurope

Big Ben #smokebeergoestoeurope

fruitbat4 11:40 06/Aug/14

Skated a lot of the city today. Just sight seeing. It's hard to appreciate a lot of this until your here. All the detail on the buildings is insane. #smokebeergoestoeurope

Skated a lot of the city today

fruitbat4 19:50 06/Aug/14

First park for the day. #smokebeergoestoeurope

First park for the day. #smoke

fruitbat4 22:55 06/Aug/14

#smokebeergoestoeurope chillen. Still haven't recovered from the flight over.

#smokebeergoestoeurope  chille

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