moon landing hoax

tinbum 11:46 20/Apr/07

what do you think?

Mr Fox
Mr Fox 11:47 20/Apr/07


*geels* 12:10 20/Apr/07

interesting, read a large amount

short change is a better documentary

bondiboy66 12:26 20/Apr/07

I have also read other stuff that explains many of the anomolies mentioned in that article...darned if I can find a link for you though.

I reckon they went there - its not a hoax.

Mr Fox
Mr Fox 12:35 20/Apr/07

I seen a doco that is to say I sawed a doco on it on the tellabishun and it saids that they drink some red bull and then they do'd it on the studios or sumjthink it was in black an white so it must be tru

bluntie 12:37 20/Apr/07

they reckon the flag wavin in the wind is fake - no wind on the moon apparently? not sure myself

skelator 12:39 20/Apr/07

<black lady off Australian Idol> That's what i'm talkin' BOUT </black lady off Australian Idol>

mark!@$ 16:25 20/Apr/07

yeh no atmosphere means no wind. it is a convincing argument though

McFly 16:53 20/Apr/07

solar wind?
just like the much debated "publishing a non land photo" no one gives a shit if it was a make, they snapped it off eventually.

Mr Fox
Mr Fox 16:56 20/Apr/07

The low level of gravity would mean that less force would be required to awaken the flag from it's flaccid state.

Matt Himself !!!
Matt Himself !!! 17:43 20/Apr/07

man landing astronauts have been asked to swear on the bible that they did goto the moon and not one has agreed to do it yet.

Jonesies 19:11 20/Apr/07

looks like theres quite a bit of proof that they faked it-but i still recon they landed there

that red bull ad is kool but

Jacob. 19:17 20/Apr/07

short change is so stupid.

*Jarryd* 19:27 20/Apr/07

most conspiracies lack something very very simple;


just think of the amount of people all over the world invovled with the moon landing, how would it be possible for the government to keep it under wraps when it goes across so many levels of organisations and governments. all to achieve what? beating the russians? some crap to do with the cold war? it would be more expensive to keep it under wraps than to actually go to the moon.

read the wikipedia article on the moon hoax it gives answers to every question conspiracy theories raise, complete with sources.


as for 9/11, that controlled demotion theory was complete bullshit.

how do they get the bombs into the twin towers? do it all over night? CIA agents sneak past all the sucerity? they would have to demolish walls to get to the structure of the building, so how do they get walls down without someone noticing the next day? how did no one see the bombs? once again, it goes across to many levels of government for it all to be kept under wraps. dealing with the twin towers workers, airport people, CIA, FB. so fucking dumb. the american government wouldnt need to have a attack on home ground to justify entering iraq or whatever the supposed reason is.

scott-ay 00:33 21/Apr/07

1. the arguement of the flag can be seen in 2 ways. many say theres no wind so the flag waving is a fake. some say its easy for the flag to move due to zero gravity, however if this true then the footprints on the surface of the moon would not sit in their perfect condition.

2.9/11 was controlled demolition, but hey everyone has an opinion

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