dslr camera handle

Chip. 22:10 02/Dec/12

im looking at making a few short clips over summer.
just wondering what some decent handles to look at might be,
something that can handle a mic on it too i guess.

Bombzigty. 11:09 03/Dec/12

Jason Hernandez easy handle - Expensive but it depends how serious you are & how steady you want your footage to look. Alternative & cheaper option would be a $30 plastic scorpion grip (ebay) + a couple of 1 kgs ankle weights and it will be a little heavier than a vx1000

Chip. 11:42 03/Dec/12

yeah not looking at spending a shitload. it's not too serious, just something to make some park clips here and there, and i prefer not to film fisheye all the time anyway.
ill have a look at the opteka ones i guess.
how flimsy is the plastic on the scorpion style ones? good enough to hold a 7d+8mm fisheye, without too much bouncing?

Bombzigty. 12:02 03/Dec/12

Yeah I use a Opeteka handle with a Canon 60D + 8mm Fisheye - I guess it comes down to filming experience on how steady you can keep it.. but ankle weights really do make a difference.

Chip. 12:51 03/Dec/12

thanks a lot man, will definitely look into it.

brookesjack 19:54 05/Dec/12

i use one of the opteka scorpion grips and followed something similar to this to stop the bouncing

tweak 23:16 12/Jun/14

hmm that setup is pretty crazy, especially annoying if you want to mount a better mic. All I did was take a long piece of 1/4 inch threaded rod and put it right at the back of the camera mounting plate up through a hole I drilled through the handle, put nuts around in accordingly and you done. This is way more stable than what they did as it takes out all flex completely, also it will add more weight. I drilled another hole through the front of the handle sideways to mount an external mic with the hotshoe attachment that was up top. Light is still ontop with 1/4 bolt.

Tim B.
Tim B. 10:09 14/Jun/14

I can make them out of stainless steel if you're worried about wobble from the plastic ones.

tweak 22:18 16/Jun/14

^Cheers Tim, but I have a better setup than that old one now anyway. I got the cube type setup that's usually around a DLSR's shoulder rig (where the handle on top can attach). It's quite nice because it means the rig is really balanced (handle above centrepoint) and I can easily access the screen and battery etc.

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