armourdillo decks.

will gnar 20:14 07/Jan/09

what are they like?

bizzle 20:23 07/Jan/09

so fuckin good. i don't want to ride anything else. there new wood, new graphics and there the best

Jordie7 20:27 07/Jan/09

ive had to and they were fuckin sick as

will ryan. 20:28 07/Jan/09

yeah? i just bought a 8" with the king of hearts or what ever one it today.

Andre C 23:06 07/Jan/09

i like the shape of the deeper concave ones

dookiexxx 23:37 07/Jan/09

ive never skated one and apologize for wasting ur time

Captain Riddler 11:28 08/Jan/09

god it stinks of self promotion in here .......

tinbum 14:17 08/Jan/09

Hahaha. An inside job you reckon?

drew 14:38 08/Jan/09

inside job confirmed

tuaki 14:41 08/Jan/09

Rad boards, rat shit self promotion!

Choder Boy 14:42 08/Jan/09

not even worth gripping

shotties is back 15:01 08/Jan/09

I must give that insider some extra$, good PR work.

mosu101 20:35 08/Jan/09

not really. "Armadildo" dont keep there promises and failled to pony up on the board I won from one of there promotions (from fsbs). As a consequence Im never buying one

ed-g 20:58 08/Jan/09

Folflore boards are way better

McMoose 21:21 08/Jan/09

They coughed up a freebee to me on here. No complaints. Free wood is good wood. Their shit's good enough for me .... but i'm not throwing 12 stairs hammers.

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armourdillo decks.

armourdillo decks.

will gnar 20:14 07/Jan/09

what are they like?

bizzle 20:23 07/Jan/09

so fuckin good. i don't want to ride anything else. there new wood, new graphics and there the best

Jordie7 20:27 07/Jan/09

ive had to and they were fuckin sick as

will ryan. 20:28 07/Jan/09

yeah? i just bought a 8" with the king of hearts or what ever one it today.

Andre C 23:06 07/Jan/09

i like the shape of the deeper concave ones

dookiexxx 23:37 07/Jan/09

ive never skated one and apologize for wasting ur time

Captain Riddler 11:28 08/Jan/09

god it stinks of self promotion in here .......

tinbum 14:17 08/Jan/09

Hahaha. An inside job you reckon?

drew 14:38 08/Jan/09

inside job confirmed

tuaki 14:41 08/Jan/09

Rad boards, rat shit self promotion!

Choder Boy 14:42 08/Jan/09

not even worth gripping

shotties is back 15:01 08/Jan/09

I must give that insider some extra$, good PR work.

mosu101 20:35 08/Jan/09

not really. "Armadildo" dont keep there promises and failled to pony up on the board I won from one of there promotions (from fsbs). As a consequence Im never buying one

ed-g 20:58 08/Jan/09

Folflore boards are way better

McMoose 21:21 08/Jan/09

They coughed up a freebee to me on here. No complaints. Free wood is good wood. Their shit's good enough for me .... but i'm not throwing 12 stairs hammers.

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