short film ideassss

YourPick 10:22 11/Mar/09

chuck us some guys.
want to create one based around skateboarding for a school assessment.
needs to convey some type of story

drew 10:25 11/Mar/09

Get about 4-5 of you to go street skating in full military/camo/uniforms with black facepaint and branches stuck to your body. Make it a documentary on the subversive guerilla tactics required to skate street in the year 2009.

Mr Fox
Mr Fox 10:40 11/Mar/09

Umm how about a film about shorts. Like you know them pants.

Choder Boy 10:43 11/Mar/09

theme should be "boy who cried wolf"

plot should be based around kids doing face tatts

.SYLVA 10:48 11/Mar/09

make a film about getting sponsored by tony hawk while he is in the country!

Jejenhausen 16:53 11/Mar/09

ABD ^^ lol, that was the worst movie

brains 17:15 11/Mar/09

Make a short film about a skateboarder who writes on the forum. He gets called stupid insulting names by a nasty red-haired man, a fox and somebody called TED.

One day, the skateboarder can't take it anymore, so he drives to the skatepark and kills everybody with a rocket-propelled grenade launcher. Then he does a noseblunt slide on the dead redhead's nose.

A few minutes later, the cops arrive. Our antihero is arrested, charged, convicted and sentenced to a lifetime of washing Dane Burman's smelly socks.

Mr Fox
Mr Fox 17:20 11/Mar/09

LOL yeah you could call it "The guy who failed at internecks". Or maybe "It was only a name - not a reflection of reality".

Mr Fox
Mr Fox 17:25 11/Mar/09

Or "Revenge of the emo"

Or "When psuedo-intellectuals go crazy"

Or umm..."Don't rile the retard"

pepper123 17:51 11/Mar/09

Make a sequel to pink flamingos an succeed where john waters failed.

You could have a guy doing a handstand on his skateboard doing tricks with his asshole!

Fetus 21:22 11/Mar/09

"branches stuck to your body"

Laban Pheidas?

DeathMoth 21:35 11/Mar/09

how about a bald environmental engineer struggles to make it in the cut throat world of small time stand up comedy on the brisbane scene

singha_is 21:46 11/Mar/09

the lion king on skateboards.

ANYTHING on skateboards. id pay to go what that shit!

the little mermaid on skateboards.

disney on skateboards.

take a pick

YourPick 21:48 11/Mar/09

so far im liking Drews, Mr Fox, Peppers and DeathMoth's ideas.

i want to try and keep it original but and low cost.

keep the ideas coming guys!

YourPick 21:49 11/Mar/09

singha id try that but i reckon id have to hire out rodney mullen and clone his a few times and dress him in lionking costumes for that, or someone with rodney mullen tech skills.


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short film ideassss

short film ideassss

YourPick 10:22 11/Mar/09

chuck us some guys.
want to create one based around skateboarding for a school assessment.
needs to convey some type of story

drew 10:25 11/Mar/09

Get about 4-5 of you to go street skating in full military/camo/uniforms with black facepaint and branches stuck to your body. Make it a documentary on the subversive guerilla tactics required to skate street in the year 2009.

Mr Fox
Mr Fox 10:40 11/Mar/09

Umm how about a film about shorts. Like you know them pants.

Choder Boy 10:43 11/Mar/09

theme should be "boy who cried wolf"

plot should be based around kids doing face tatts

.SYLVA 10:48 11/Mar/09

make a film about getting sponsored by tony hawk while he is in the country!

Jejenhausen 16:53 11/Mar/09

ABD ^^ lol, that was the worst movie

brains 17:15 11/Mar/09

Make a short film about a skateboarder who writes on the forum. He gets called stupid insulting names by a nasty red-haired man, a fox and somebody called TED.

One day, the skateboarder can't take it anymore, so he drives to the skatepark and kills everybody with a rocket-propelled grenade launcher. Then he does a noseblunt slide on the dead redhead's nose.

A few minutes later, the cops arrive. Our antihero is arrested, charged, convicted and sentenced to a lifetime of washing Dane Burman's smelly socks.

Mr Fox
Mr Fox 17:20 11/Mar/09

LOL yeah you could call it "The guy who failed at internecks". Or maybe "It was only a name - not a reflection of reality".

Mr Fox
Mr Fox 17:25 11/Mar/09

Or "Revenge of the emo"

Or "When psuedo-intellectuals go crazy"

Or umm..."Don't rile the retard"

pepper123 17:51 11/Mar/09

Make a sequel to pink flamingos an succeed where john waters failed.

You could have a guy doing a handstand on his skateboard doing tricks with his asshole!

Fetus 21:22 11/Mar/09

"branches stuck to your body"

Laban Pheidas?

DeathMoth 21:35 11/Mar/09

how about a bald environmental engineer struggles to make it in the cut throat world of small time stand up comedy on the brisbane scene

singha_is 21:46 11/Mar/09

the lion king on skateboards.

ANYTHING on skateboards. id pay to go what that shit!

the little mermaid on skateboards.

disney on skateboards.

take a pick

YourPick 21:48 11/Mar/09

so far im liking Drews, Mr Fox, Peppers and DeathMoth's ideas.

i want to try and keep it original but and low cost.

keep the ideas coming guys!

YourPick 21:49 11/Mar/09

singha id try that but i reckon id have to hire out rodney mullen and clone his a few times and dress him in lionking costumes for that, or someone with rodney mullen tech skills.


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