Save Sommerville

Potty2617 22:52 13/May/16

It took over 10 years of planning to get a somerville skatepark. now only after it being 5 years old they want to demolish it to replace the recently burnt down basketball stadium. We would like your support to show that the voices of the many people who use this skate park are heard . To show how amazing our community is and how valuable it is to have a skate park as a place for youth and people to go to!. * We care because local kids wont have a place to skate,scoot or bmx. *They have given "voice" approval with out consulting with the local skate community . We want the skate park to stay right now or to have a newly built skatepark built before demolition of the current skate park. It took so long for us to have a local skate park lets not loose it!

Save Sommerville

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