New park for Geelong

Fletch 09:19 09/Aug/06

Anyone heard any news on this? Was heaps of talk about a street plaza to be built on the waterfront, but this has all gone quiet.

I heard that Convic are possibly starting to build in early 07. anyone got any design details?

Potty 09:38 09/Aug/06

That is GAY.

cash,money,vagrant 13:31 09/Aug/06

that IS GAY

drew 16:36 09/Aug/06

I forgot to mention that Reesy and Anton assisted in the design.

Michael Mulhall
Michael Mulhall 16:40 09/Aug/06

Why can't street skaters ride mini's bigger than 4 foot, yet they jump down 15 stairs?

m1kEy 17:00 09/Aug/06

that looks good

Michael Mulhall
Michael Mulhall 17:07 09/Aug/06

It's funny that I'd call the whole park a beginner area, and a toddler area.

Potty 17:32 09/Aug/06

What Ressy and Anton help with the design, I am surprised.

alisterio 18:19 09/Aug/06

looks alright :)

big empty space though.. i mean the 'concrete slab'..
whats the point of that? people can skate flat anywhere

some cool lump things would be good there i reckon
but i spose that would cost more money... oh well

in conclusion, good design, could be improved though

*jacob* 19:29 09/Aug/06

Well for any1 that didnt no, that 3 is the size of a six, And im pretty happy coz its across the road from my house. and the euro gap looks real fun

Dregs: CBR Represent 19:51 09/Aug/06

"Why can't street skaters ride mini's bigger than 4 foot, yet they jump down 15 stairs?"
so true

drew 19:57 09/Aug/06

jacob, where exactly in leopold is it? have they started yet?

*jacob* 20:01 09/Aug/06

Its at the football oval on Melaluka Rd (spelling)
And it started tuesday last week but they havent done nething this week. But my friend told me they towed in a cabin, so im expecting them to do somthing tommorrow.

*jacob* 20:02 09/Aug/06

And Dregs in leopold there arnt that many people that skate, they are trying to make it for everyone to use

drew 20:05 09/Aug/06

thanks, kind of near where the old mini ramp was?

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