
Stringbean 18:11 10/Jan/07

want dvds to start a collection. movies, skating, whatever. im not too fussed, as long as they arent fake. post pictures and prices, im in melbs.

EAZY E 18:27 10/Jan/07

if your interested add me - im in melbourne.

bk 18:35 10/Jan/07

do not buy liquid pixel its free and its shit ***

EAZY E 18:44 10/Jan/07

becuase it hasnt got boulala in it?

bk 18:51 10/Jan/07

no becuz its free not 10$ worth

gantry 19:45 10/Jan/07

acuaualy eazy e it does have boulala in it hahaha

EAZY E 20:02 10/Jan/07


DRIFTz0R 20:05 10/Jan/07

adrian i'll take that fsbs

DRIFTz0R 20:35 10/Jan/07

there shit, im no hesh ****.

scott-ay 23:47 10/Jan/07

futurama box set? how much we talkin here?

Bathy_ 00:30 11/Jan/07

only hesh ****s watch futurama

Stringbean 08:42 11/Jan/07

Stringbean 08:47 11/Jan/07

futurama,,, hmm gimme a price? also ill narrow it down a bit and just say some movies i was look out for: any of the harry potter shit, blade 1/2/3, scream etc. skelator, out of your dvd lot id only want futurama and that skate film, i dont want the music ones.

skelator 09:28 11/Jan/07

add me on msn,

The Chair 11:36 11/Jan/07

how much for cunning stunts? and S&M?

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Stringbean 18:11 10/Jan/07

want dvds to start a collection. movies, skating, whatever. im not too fussed, as long as they arent fake. post pictures and prices, im in melbs.

EAZY E 18:27 10/Jan/07

if your interested add me - im in melbourne.

bk 18:35 10/Jan/07

do not buy liquid pixel its free and its shit ***

EAZY E 18:44 10/Jan/07

becuase it hasnt got boulala in it?

bk 18:51 10/Jan/07

no becuz its free not 10$ worth

gantry 19:45 10/Jan/07

acuaualy eazy e it does have boulala in it hahaha

EAZY E 20:02 10/Jan/07


DRIFTz0R 20:05 10/Jan/07

adrian i'll take that fsbs

DRIFTz0R 20:35 10/Jan/07

there shit, im no hesh ****.

scott-ay 23:47 10/Jan/07

futurama box set? how much we talkin here?

Bathy_ 00:30 11/Jan/07

only hesh ****s watch futurama

Stringbean 08:42 11/Jan/07

Stringbean 08:47 11/Jan/07

futurama,,, hmm gimme a price? also ill narrow it down a bit and just say some movies i was look out for: any of the harry potter shit, blade 1/2/3, scream etc. skelator, out of your dvd lot id only want futurama and that skate film, i dont want the music ones.

skelator 09:28 11/Jan/07

add me on msn,

The Chair 11:36 11/Jan/07

how much for cunning stunts? and S&M?

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