stuff for sale.

<-Ben-> 19:16 30/Jan/07

yeh im selling a play station 1, 2 controllers, 3 memory cards and about 20 games.(games are free because there all burnt)

ill sell the lot for $50

i also have a Fuji s5600 and 128mb Memory card for sale.

both together for $325

a big camera bag(backpack type) for $40

a small camera bag(single camera) for $10

if more then one thing is bought ill do a deal sorta thing.

post your email if your interested.

roos 20:29 30/Jan/07

ur never going to sell that fujigaypix lol
take a pic of ur backpag style camera bag might be interested

no dice 22:19 30/Jan/07

no dice

19:04 25/Jan
vulture steez

11:41 25/Jan

11:30 25/Jan

no dice

21:11 24/Jan
no dice

22:07 21/Jan
i'll take the small camera bag

i think he has a point

yes, yes he does.

yes, im after the small camera bag.
were are you <-ben-> ??

taken from your last thread when the bag was $15. but yeah $10 sounds good.

<-Ben-> 23:09 30/Jan/07

sorry bout that no dice.
im in perth.
ill add you tomorrow coz my msn is being gay tonight.

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