Sammy Atkins Interview

Backlip - Kwizard

Kwild - Alrighty, we�ll start with the boring basics, age, hometown , sponsors?

Sammy - Okay well I'm 15, live in Geelong and my sponsors are Stereo, Theeve, Geelong Skateshop & Nike SB flow

K Wild - You recently we�re lucky enough to head over to the states for skateboarding, how was that?

Sammy - Yeah it was probably the best thing I�ve ever done. All the spots and parks over there are amazing.

Tre - Kwizard

K Wild - How was the berrics in real life?

Sammy - Funnest skatepark ever. It was really cool for me because all I do all day at school is lurk skateparx or the berrics so it was good to see how big it is in real life.

K Wild - 15 and you�ve just about completed your bucket list, not bad. You may be to young but do you have any future plans for skateboarding? Or goals or some shit?

Sammy - I would like to be able to go pro and just live off skating because i'm pretty lazy with everything except skating so I can't really have a normal job. I would also like to jump the megaramp one day too

FS Tail Flip Fakes - Kwizard

K Wild - Shitcyea, So whos the hottest chick in your class?

Sammy - Hahaha I knew this would come up. You suck kristian

K Wild - haha yayer, so living in geelong at your age it would be hard to not to be on the meth. Is this a day to day struggle? I mean Banos has already got his own pro wheel. Is that hard to compete with?

Sammy - Haha yeah banos is killing it! It's definately hard to compete with him, he has kickturn 540's on lock

BST - Kwizard

K Wild - can't argue with that, who are some of your inspirations besides me

Sammy - Well besides you I would probably say reynolds, koston, bryan herman and mummy and daddy

K Wild - Good to hear, Shout outs to Rick and Rosie! Your are also lucky enough to be the son to owners of �the park� geelong, do you love it?

Sammy - Yeah I reckon it's sick. Some people think it's weird but at least my parents want to be involved with skating rather than against it.

krooks - Kwizard

K Wild - Yeah fuck them dicks! I think its rad, you had a little hook-up in the latest slam, can I�ve some insight with that gnarly front tail? Was it a struggle? Huuge

Sammy - Yeah i'm so stoked on that, it's my first photo in a skate mag so I'm pretty happy with it. I had skated with mappy a few times before that day and he hit me up to do a focus for slam so I was hyped. I had always wanted to skate that rail so this was the perfect time to do it. It wasnt too hard because my good buddys Mitch and Ben skated it with me which always helps

K Wild - Yeah gotta love that support, Hopefully the start to much more coverage for you Sammy! Do your sponnos hook you up pretty well?

Sammy - They definitely do! You guys at the skateshop were my first proper sponsor so thanks heaps to you, potty and drew. Trev and steve were the next guys to start hooking me up with theeve and stereo and they were the ones that helped get me to the states so i'm so thankful for that. Then recently Middsy has been flowing me Nike shoes which is so sick because i've lived Nike ever since I stared skating.

K Wild - Good to hear, just remember the little guys when you make it haha! Any Last shout-outs?

Sammy - I will don't worry. All my friends and family, my dogs, and of course you, drew, potty, trev, steve and middsy for helping me out, I really appreciate it.

NIKEEEM 09:56 04/Nov/13

Rad Sammy! Back lip and that step up back tizzie were sick

cuntm8noworries 11:35 04/Nov/13

Fuck oath what a machine, backlip photo is sahhhh good

LAGGGER 11:38 04/Nov/13

yeeah sam!!!!!!!!!

HERMANS 11:57 04/Nov/13

yeeeehaw k-willy and sam-atty

snapper 12:09 04/Nov/13

Fuh air Sam !!

reesm8bigproblems 12:32 04/Nov/13

Can see him going places. Good style for a youngin too!

Jamish- 15:36 04/Nov/13

Hell yeah Sam you sprouter!! K wild good work on the pics m8

kristianwild 18:15 04/Nov/13

cheers for all the love! all the work lies in sammys hands, cheers buddy

Brett.. 06:13 05/Nov/13

Fuh air Sammy!

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