skatepark "maintenance"

Brenden 07:33 04/Jan/06

Both tuggeranong and erindale parks have had questionable "maintenance" recently. I went to erindale today and all the graffiti and paint had been stripped off the walls and all the ledges painted blue. It made erindale appear less sketchy and it looked as though they made a decent effort to give the place a "makeover". The problem is that there are still shitloads of cracks that havent been filled and the metal edges that were half torn off of the ledges 2 years ago still havent been replaced. At tuggeranong handrails (not intended to be skated) have been put in ridiculous areas of the park (fencing around it) making it about half as skateable as it used to be. A chair was recently installed at the end of a ledge rendering the ledge almost unskatable. It makes me wonder what the fuck urban services are thinking? Its obvious that to them a skateparks appearance is a higher priority than its usability. The money they spend on installing fences, chairs, paint and useless decoration could be spent on fixing the concrete under the coping thats chipping away at tuggeranong or the once skatebale ledges at erindale.

singha_is 08:08 04/Jan/06

did anyone watch southpark on monday?
The kids all played little league baseball and Stan's dad keeps on getting into fights, oh shit that was good!

dskize 17:10 04/Jan/06

Yeah council are fuckin dipshits

singha_is 17:46 04/Jan/06

canberra parks are hell sweet and theres soooo many of them!

el jacko
el jacko 20:04 04/Jan/06

singer i saw the end of that, it was pretty good wasnt it.
but coz i didnt see the start i didnt know why the hell they were TRYING to loose? my guess is that it was coz they didnt really wanna play and it was dads putting too much pressure on. would i be correct?

Fetus 21:52 04/Jan/06

We fix our own parks here. But then the council unfixes what we do and makes it worse.

ady 23:03 04/Jan/06

best southpark ep ever!
download it and watch again el jacko.

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