Rodney Mullen

JimmenyBillyBob 22:55 20/Dec/08

Anyone read his book?

others 22:57 20/Dec/08


sk 23:03 20/Dec/08

yep... he's a tweaker

terminator 23:13 20/Dec/08

yeah i have a few times a couple a years back, i enjoyed it, his father was a nut case ey and through his little messed up child hood, managing to get straight A's in school he still managed to become world champion at aged 14, definitely shaped todays street skating

terminator 23:14 20/Dec/08


sli 23:15 20/Dec/08

hi terminater!

terminator 23:25 20/Dec/08

who are you, never heard of ya before

sli 23:30 20/Dec/08

who are you?

GS Lover 23:35 20/Dec/08

Rodney's Father is actualyy really loving toward him.
He just feared for Rodney's safety.

.DaN...... 00:16 21/Dec/08

yeah he didnt have a messed up family life.

his dad let him skate in the end.

turka turka 20:16 21/Dec/08

mad book

maaark 22:13 21/Dec/08

yep. great read.

joe-joe 22:26 21/Dec/08

read it when school made me read a book..Not bad

rockyboy 22:42 21/Dec/08

whose rodney mullen

braddox 14:07 22/Dec/08

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