Casual board??

Luke.. 22:04 04/Feb/09

im new to skating, soi dont know whats good and whats not. so i was wondering is there any cheap complete boards that are good for just skating, no tricks. i dont want to spend much because im not going to be using it everday. Any help?

.SYLVA 22:05 04/Feb/09

cruiser boards

terminator 22:14 04/Feb/09

cruiser boards are pretty good for chillin but expensive, you can buy some second hand parts off people to make a complete setup, i.e me if your in melbs

akirkuk92 22:37 04/Feb/09

get a speed demons

brains 00:51 05/Feb/09

Get a regular board.

That way, you can start messing around with tricks if you want. Before you know it, you'll be skating properly and loving it.

Cruiser boards and longboards look stupid. You can 'cruise' on a regular board too!

Go to your local big skatepark and ask the best skaters there. They'll probably sell you some cheap stuff (courtesy of their sponsors).

comic book guy 01:20 05/Feb/09

no cruiser board and long boards have wheels that are actually conducive to a smooth fast ride unlike the usual rock hard 53mm wheels on your average board, try bombing a decent hill on both then start talking about it.

Mr Fox
Mr Fox 12:54 05/Feb/09

If you dunno what you're doing, then you may find a long board might pick up a little too much speed for a beginner going down anything more than a mellow hill. Get a normal board with some bigger wheels. I reckon.

battles 13:52 05/Feb/09

click on the shop link at the top

pick a board, trucks, bearings, wheels and bolts

click checkout

enter credit card details

wait 2 days

Libertine. 14:35 05/Feb/09

Buy a nice and wide board, some reasonable profile trucks, and some mid size wheels.

Lazlo_Panaflex 18:17 05/Feb/09

I'd buy a scooter. Not only are they fun, you can fold them up and put them in the boot of your car.


skimthefat 19:00 05/Feb/09

skateboards can fit in boots too

you don't even need to fold them up

you also don't look homo whilst on one

dubs 19:45 05/Feb/09

tech deck.

let your fingers do the skatin bro...

braddox 20:38 05/Feb/09

flow boooooaaarrrdsss braaahh!!!!!!!

turka turka 22:51 05/Feb/09


22:37 04/Feb
get a speed demons

wtf get of this site now u kook
get a local skateshop boards indys some modus or chine bone bearings and some like 30 buck folklores then u be rollin

ChiefBEN 05:11 06/Feb/09

go to rebel sports

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